Research Structure

Research Groups

Laboratório Arquitetura, Subjetividade e Cultura - LASC

The Architecture, Subjectivity and Culture Group develops research and analysis on the interrelationship between people and built spaces. Its goal is to analyze the subjective and cultural factors that participate in the construction of Place, Memory and Spatial Identity of socio-cultural groups. By knowing the mechanisms of Place Shaping and the establishment of affections to environments, this subject is fundamental both for the generation of strategies to promote the well-being of Man in urban environments and for the success of architecture and urbanism projects. The repercussion of the kn...

Lugares e Paisagens - ProLUGAR / Sistemas de Espaços Livres do Rio de Janeiro - SEL/RJ

The Places and Landscapes - ProLUGAR group's mission is to contribute to the construction and dissemination of knowledge of theory and architectural design and its various interdisciplinary interfaces related to the design, production and quality of the built environment. Among its objectives, we highlight the reflection, the generation, the development, the diffusion and application of environmental perception and the quality of the place in the production of a more responsive and sustainable built environment, in addition to studies on urban morphology, through a subgroup affiliate, SEL / RJ...

Ambiente-Educação - GAE

The research carried out within the group aims to: relate the child's development to the physical school environment analyze the pedagogical character of the built environment characterize the quality of the School Environment from the point of view of its users to conceive the school building according to the principles of sustainability and the LDB and PNE guidelines to assess the quality of the built physical environment, emphasizing the importance of the School Environment in establishing new commitments to ecology and social responsibility.

Gestão de Projetos em Arquitetura - GEPARQ

The discussion of the design and execution of buildings has been approached by different authors with a focus on the impact on the city, the ambience, the performance (behavior in use), the useful life and sustainability. It is understood that, in addition to these aspects, currently what is imposed on professionals who develop projects is the need to establish a different method of organization and management of the design process. It becomes necessary to review the schemes adopted so far to make interoperability between different design professionals feasible since the architectural concepti...

Projeto, Arquitetura e Sustentabilidade - GPAS

GPAS's mission is to encourage sustainable practices by helping to conceive sustainable architectural design, comprising the planning, design, construction or rehabilitation and maintenance phases. The research developed are related to sustainable architecture and provides consultancy to public and private enterprises as well as advising companies that wish to build and manage in a sustainable way....

Laboratório de Habitação - LabHab

Based on the research Requirements and Criteria for the Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Building Systems for Social Housing Programs in Brazil, 1995 and 1997, the Housing Laboratory - LabHab, a research and project group from PROARQ / FAU, was organized with the objective of deepening the concepts of rationality and habitability in physical, psychological, social and cultural aspects. We explore methods and techniques capable of providing information on the objective and subjective aspects that determine the behavior of the resident with his home, contributing to the development of an appro...

Espaço Saúde

The Research Group Espaço Saúde / PROARQ / UFRJ has as main objective to study health environments. The group's activities involve the application and development of methodologies for the assessment and systematization of typologies, elaboration of conceptual proposals and urban and architectural design parameters, appropriate to the concepts of humanization of care and of a medicine focused on the user and the production of teaching material on the subject. theme.

A Educação do Olhar

The group seeks to develop theories, methodologies and instruments for teaching architecture. General objective: to build theories and methods of teaching architectural design Specific objectives: 1. To develop procedures and didactic instruments that value and recognize the importance of practical and empirical knowledge in the identification of problems related to the teaching of architecture. 2. Develop didactic procedures and instruments that make it possible to analyze/theorize about the practice of teaching architecture. 3. Develop analytical procedures and instruments that enable the tr...

Laboratório de Narrativas em Arquitetura - LANA

Research Group that addresses the issue of Narratives in Architecture, in its various historical, theoretical, critical and phenomenological biases....

Preservação e Restauração do Patrimônio Edificado - RestaurArq

The group aims to research about preservation, revitalization and restoration of the built cultural heritage.  The goal is to enable greater awareness of the problems and needs related to the conservation and restoration of the country's cultural heritage, encouraging the advancement of research in the sector with the creation of new techniques and / or the qualitative and quantitative expansion of knowledge related to this area and its dissemination to a greater number of interested professionals....

Estudos de Arquitetura de Museus - Arquimuseus

Within this group, researches are carried out that analyzes the importance of museums and cultural centers for the requalification of urban centers. The main objectives are: To develop research on the architecture of museological spaces and buildings for cultural and expository purposes To train and train personnel to work in the architecture project of museums and cultural centers Contribute to the access to information about the expansion / physical-spatial renovation of museums and cultural centers.

Projeto e Representação do Ambiente - PROAMB

The group develops research mainly on the themes of landscape planning, urban design, urban culture, water and urban drainage, resilient cities, landscape and sound memory. The group carries out teaching, research and extension activities, with results published in international journals and books of national and international circulation. Participation in events such as ENANPARQ, ENTAC, ENCAC, SBQP, TIC, EUROELECS, ICUD, SDEWES, allow for a constant exchange of experience with other experts on the topics covered by the group. He is a partner of the Chair "Urban Drainage in Lowland Zones", fro...


LabLugares is a research group in architecture and urbanism that addresses the theme of architecture and cities from a historical perspective on the construction of places and ideas, embodied in buildings and urban projects. This research space was born from the reading of cities through the door of health (BRESCIANI, 1992), considering the importance of articulating memories with a precise material base and place, and taking into account not only the ability to individual or group recall but memories eternalized in landscapes, monuments and documents (ABREU, 1996). In this sense, despite the ...

EES - Energia, Espaço e Sociedade

Think about the built environment is to reveal the systemic aspect of its analysis, deriving from multidisciplinary intercession and converging concepts of environmental comfort, distributed generation and energy efficiency. Environmental comfort is determined by the well-being of the user of the built environment and, regardless of the bioclimatic zone added to climate changes, its study becomes a generalized need, where the conditions of acclimatization of buildings result in an increase in energy demand, requiring adaptation, both to energy efficiency techniques and practices, as well as to...

Projeto e Conforto no Ambiente Construído – ProConf

O Grupo atua junto à FAU-UFRJ e trabalha em várias frentes, tanto no PGPP-FAU-UFRJ quanto no PROARQ-FAU-UFRJ, reunindo alunos de Graduação e Pós-Graduação. Discute e analisa questões referentes ao Projeto, à vegetação, ao conforto e à preservação do patrimônio arquitetônico, paisagístico, ambiental e urbanístico....

Laboratório Cidade e Memória - LCM

O grupo, coordenado pela Profa. Daniella Costa, propõe encontrar vestígios que permitam entender como nossa ‘vida mental’ construída através de nossas memórias e afetos, descrita tantas vezes na obra de memorialistas, historiadores, filósofos, arquitetos e críticos literários no campo da Arquitetura e Urbanismo, garante a preservação da matéria histórica onde apoiamos as histórias perpetuadas na cidade....

Paisagens Híbridas

Paisagens Híbridas é uma plataforma de pesquisas acadêmicas vinculada, à Escola de Belas-Artes | UFRJ, que tem como matriz de trabalho a ideia da Paisagem Inventada, que, por sua vez, considera a priori as dinâmicas orgânicas produzidas pelo encontro entre o homem, a cultura e natureza, implicando a materialização e a manifestação de ações de caráter híbrido sobre o ambiente. É justamente na criação dessas ambiências que nos deparamos com um palimpsesto cujas ordens, escalas e dimensões de construção do mundo potencializam diferenciadas matizes de desenhos de paisagens: re...