Research Groups

Laboratório de Habitação - LabHab

Based on the research Requirements and Criteria for the Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Building Systems for Social Housing Programs in Brazil, 1995 and 1997, the Housing Laboratory - LabHab, a research and project group from PROARQ / FAU, was organized with the objective of deepening the concepts of rationality and habitability in physical, psychological, social and cultural aspects. We explore methods and techniques capable of providing information on the objective and subjective aspects that determine the behavior of the resident with his home, contributing to the development of an appropriate methodology for the evaluation of social housing.

The LabHab - UFRJ research group is currently developing a research project to evaluate current government housing policies in the City of Rio de Janeiro, more precisely the national program Minha Casa Minha Vida and the municipal program Novas Alternativas.





  • Master of Architecture PROARQ
  • Doctor of Architecture PROARQ