Research Structure

Research Lines

Culture, Landscape and Built Environment

The studies aim to explore the complexities of the production of architectural and urban space at different scales and cultural aspects, providing theoretical, conceptual, and practical reflections on the formation configuration, management, production, and transformation of the built environment where the landscape is inserted. It integrates fields of knowledge and methodologies of analysis including theories, technologies and design practices, construction processes, urban ethnography, post-occupation assessment, and morphological and environmental analysis....

Architecture, Project and Sustainability

Applicability and Analysis of Methods for the conception, management and execution of the architectural project, related to environmental comfort (hygrothermal, acoustic, lighting, visual and ergonomic), considering the dimensions of Sustainability. It investigates strategies for performance analysis through computational tools and multicriteria methods oriented to the quality of the built environment. Among the objects of study, the health and housing environments, appropriate to the concepts of humanization, stand out, focusing on the development of conceptual proposals and architectural des...

Theory and Teaching of Architecture

This research line brings together studies and research on theory of design, design and building in its historical and critical dimensions: research methods and instruments for teaching design, technology and architectural history. It promotes primary and secondary research and recording information about architecture and the city to interpret and establish narratives about the architectural phenomenon....

Restoration and Heritage Management

It studies the issues of preservation of cultural heritage in its various aspects: conceptual, theoretical, practical and educational. It includes the field of heritage management, documentation and inventory of heritage assets, the study of cultural spaces inserted in the city, memory, restoration projects, the insertion of contemporary architecture and historic areas and materials and techniques for the conservation and restoration of movable property, immovable and integrated....