The Research Group Espaço Saúde / PROARQ / UFRJ has as main objective to study health environments. The group's activities involve the application and development of methodologies for the assessment and systematization of typologies, elaboration of conceptual proposals and urban and architectural design parameters, appropriate to the concepts of humanization of care and of a medicine focused on the user and the production of teaching material on the subject. theme.
- Alcyr de Morisson Faria Neto
- Michele Baruffaldi
- Maria Júlia de Oliveira Santos
- Ivani Bursztynemployee
- Elza Maria Alves Costeira
- Bruna Mota Rodrigues
- Eduardo Sanches Salsamendi
- Mauro César de Oliveira Santosemployee
- Master of Architecture PROARQ
- Doctor of Architecture PROARQ