Research Structure

Research Projects

Project, Planning and Landscape

Coordinated by professor Andrea Rego, this research aims to study how social representations continuously build and transform landscapes, in particular: urban planning and design; the design and construction of large architectural objects and the design and construction of works of art. In a specific way, it dedicates to the study of the construction of the landscape through discourse and form (construction of ideals and the imagery); planning as a cultural idealization and as a justification for investment vectors; informal manifestations as opposed to formal planning and teaching as a w...

Smarts Cities and Sustainability: the impact of the 4th Revolution in the management of architectural design

Description: Advances in information and communication technologies have led to changes in different sectors of the economy. Particularly in the construction industry, the possibilities to be explored in the development of buildings and cities projects are highlighted. The issue has been raising interest for the speed with which it proceeds, and for the urgency in identifying its main impacts. In this sense, incorporating the possibilities offered by new technologies to the practices of project management and coordination with environmental quality is one of the focuses of this research, with ...

Sound landscape, memory and culture

Coordinated by professor Andrea Rego. The project is developed in the field of the cultural landscape and covers urban studies and artistic representations, investigating the relationships that are established between the visible built landscape and the invisible soundscape of cities, aiming at the construction of sound memory. Its objects are the sound fragments of different representations of the past and the present - sounds of literary stories; sounds recorded in the city; recorded sounds of equipment and tools; sounds perceived in iconography; sounds of cinematography - which are his...

Subjective and cultural dimension of ambiances: ethnopopographic tools in architecture and urbanism

Coordinated by the professors Ethel Pinheiro and Cristiane Rose Duarte. The study of Ambiances, seen as man-environment-culture interaction, is extremely important for the democratization of cities, since it contributes to the density of the analysis of urban scenarios and emphasizes the role of cultural practices in cities. Based on the assumption of valuing micro and small scales of living and urban centralities, this research seeks to understand the importance of sensitive experiences in the construction of citizens' feelings and meanings of belonging. Hand-to-hand in the city, being with t...

Sustainability and project

Coordinated by professor Virginia Vasconcellos. The "Project and Sustainability Research" allows the sharing of character production: [1] Scientific (theoretical-conceptual), welcoming students from [1] Academic Master and Doctorate and [2] Practical, attending students of Professional Master. In its scientific aspect [1], it aims to: develop studies that raise, analyze, understand, interpret, critically evaluate concepts, attributes, and situations of use, occupation, preservation, requalification, rehabilitation, and reintegration of cultural heritage. Under this goal, it provides for studie...

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) e a New Urban Agenda (NUA): equity, urban resilience and socio-environmental sustainability (CAPES PRINT)

This research project, coordinated by professor Vera Tângari aims to meet the goals defined by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the New Urban Agenda (NUA) by CAPES PRINT, with a focus on criticism and project development. The activities to be developed must defend the improvement of quality of life, public education and health, physical security, well-being, creativity, and the public sphere in cities. In this context, the research, extension, and design practice activities that meet the guidelines and include solutions to perceived problems in an inclusive manner are understood as...

Sustainable Water Management in Buildings

Coordinated by Professor Aline Verol. Much is being discussed today about sustainability, although there is often no precise definition around this concept and, mainly, its scope. Sustainable building projects are gaining ground in the technical literature and, in terms of plumbing and sanitary systems, there is a close relationship between sustainability and rational use of water, as a way to avoid periods of restriction with water scarcity and as a way to make it more economical, financially, the use of public water supply. However, in a systemic view, building, as a basic cell of urbanizati...

The architecture of contemporary city: new paramethers

Coordinated by professor Laís Bronstein. It involves analyzing the modes of production of contemporary architecture, based on the critique of contextualist urbanism. The research focuses on architectural and urban thinking identified with the parameters coined at the XIX UIA Congress, held in 1996 in the city of Barcelona.

The education of the gaze: apprehension of the geometric attributes of the shape of places

Coordinated by professor Maria Angela Dias, this project introduces the education of the gaze as a strategy for the understanding of architectural forms characterizing the volumetry of the physical space (architectural, urban and landscape), through polyhedra and their relationships. The investigation of the form, in this sense, interacts with the knowledge produced by other research groups that work in PROARQ. The objective of this project is to produce animations, manipulable three-dimensional visualizations, models and to gather in a publication, of a didactic nature, the set of theoretical...

The garden-form and landscape architecture: socio-spatial practices and cultural hybridities

The garden shape expresses ideas and plays different roles in the landscape. It mixes, associates and hybridizes the environment, culture and art. It materializes in space through objects and actions that align themselves through uses, functions, symbols of all kinds, thus revealing the idea of ​​place. The garden-form is distinguished when nature is previously framed, and it designs scenarios of specific scales, different ambiences and different styles that, in addition to creating places, leave marks that penetrate, one by one, in the different layers of history. The material and immater...

The image of Heritage in Architecture magazines

Studies of the image of cultural heritage produced and promoted through the set of photographs they document illustrate matters of informative, theoretical, practical and critical content published in the main architectural magazines published in Brazil in the 20th century.

The importance of cultural spaces for the requalification of urban centers

Project coordinated by Professor Maria da Conceição (Ceça) Guimaraens. Its research of concepts and critical content related to the renovation of historic centers from the requalification of museums and cultural center buildings.

Urban Ambiances: exploiting methodologies

Coordinated by professor Cristiane Duarte, the research seeks to understand and analyze the attributes of Urban Environments, the factors that make them particular, their ability to favor appropriation, awaken memory, participate in the formation of the various cultural groups that participate in the identity formation of the population of cities. As we know, Ambiances are the material and moral atmospheres that encompass thermal, luminous, sound, but also cultural and subjective sensations that involve a particular place and its occupants (Amphoux, 2004; Duarte et all, 2008). In recent years,...

Urban Water Management for more resilient cities

Coordinated by professor Aline Veról. Its objective is to combine the concept of sustainable drainage with river requalification in the construction of an urban recovery project that uses the river as a starting point. This articulation denotes the proposal to act in an integrated and transdisciplinary way in urban basins, with a focus on flood control, but also addressing the issues of urbanism, land use and occupation and river recovery. This research is registered in the Graduate Program in Architecture of FAU / UFRJ (PROARQ-FAU / UFRJ), through the research group SEL-RJ: Free Space System...

Vegetation in environmental comfort

Coordinated by professor Virginia Vasconcelos. The project aims to rescue the role of vegetation as an element that induces quality and environmental sustainability, based on the identification of the main characteristics of plant species and their relationship with the comfort of the built environment. Part of the analysis of the performance of tree species with different canopy densities in reducing direct solar radiation and air temperature, establishing interactions with the built environment and with climatic variables, through physical surveys and field experiments.https://sucupira.capes...