Research Structure

Research Projects

The importance of cultural spaces for the requalification of urban centers

Project coordinated by Professor Maria da Conceição (Ceça) Guimaraens. Its research of concepts and critical content related to the renovation of historic centers from the requalification of museums and cultural center buildings.

Urban Design Code

The research coordinated by Professor Maria Lucia Pecly, aims to understand how the process of "Urban Design Code" in England can be used as a tool in the construction of quality parameters for teaching social housing projects in Brazil. The approach adopted by design coding seeks to establish principles of urban design quality with an emphasis on the connection between the design process, management and governance of the project and the final product built.The process of coding urban design (Urban Design Code) in the United Kingdom: Process + ProductThe Urban Design Code was created in E...

Urban Water Management for more resilient cities

Coordinated by professor Aline Veról. Its objective is to combine the concept of sustainable drainage with river requalification in the construction of an urban recovery project that uses the river as a starting point. This articulation denotes the proposal to act in an integrated and transdisciplinary way in urban basins, with a focus on flood control, but also addressing the issues of urbanism, land use and occupation and river recovery. This research is registered in the Graduate Program in Architecture of FAU / UFRJ (PROARQ-FAU / UFRJ), through the research group SEL-RJ: Free Space System...

Vegetation in environmental comfort

Coordinated by professor Virginia Vasconcelos. The project aims to rescue the role of vegetation as an element that induces quality and environmental sustainability, based on the identification of the main characteristics of plant species and their relationship with the comfort of the built environment. Part of the analysis of the performance of tree species with different canopy densities in reducing direct solar radiation and air temperature, establishing interactions with the built environment and with climatic variables, through physical surveys and field experiments.https://sucupira.capes...