Research Projects

Acoustic Comfort in the Built Environment

Coordinated by professor Maria Lygia Niemeyer. The objective of the research is to investigate design solutions and evaluation methodologies for acoustic adaptation, considering existing situations and future scenarios. Justification: In Brazil, the concern with acoustic comfort has often been relegated to the secondary level in architectural and urban planning projects. With the exception of spaces where sound quality is the basic foundation of the activity (such as cinemas, theaters and recording studios), there is no culture of acoustic evaluation of projects during the design process. As a result, the sound discomfort is seen in the post-occupation stage, with harmful consequences on the well-being and physical and mental health of users. In tropical climates, strategies for controlling and managing sound propagation take on special importance. Unlike the regions of temperate and cold climate, where the necessary seal against low temperatures contributes to the acoustic insulation of buildings, the use of natural ventilation, to reduce heat and humidity, limits the possibilities of acoustic protection of environments and the relationship external noise. In cities like Rio de Janeiro, there is no rigid boundary between the interior and exterior of the building: the frames remain open most of the day and the architecture adopts permeable elements on the facades (shutters, cobogós, brises) and open spaces (balconies), terraces or patios). On the other hand, the geographic characteristics of the city stimulate the tradition of intensive appropriation of free areas for living and leisure activities. In this context, socio-cultural and climatic, it is essential that the concern with the environmental sound quality of the built space goes beyond the physical limits of the building, covering the external spaces, public or private.


