Research Projects

Algorithm applied to descriptive geometry

Coordinated by Professor Aline Calazans and part of an action with the articulation of the undergraduate students of the Scientific Initiation program, the research proposes the development of an algorithm applied to the teaching of Descriptive Geometry and has as a starting point the problems experienced in the discipline in the undergraduate course in Architecture and Urbanism at UFRJ. In line with the proposal for curricular renewal under construction, teachers who teach the discipline face the constant challenge of keeping themselves methodologically up-to-date and being able to respond and enjoy technological innovations in the field of graphic representation. The main objective of this research is to develop a didactic support algorithm, applicable and adaptable to the graphical problems solved based on the fundamentals of Descriptive Geometry. The research uses as a basis the content of the current exercise book for the discipline of Descriptive Geometry I of the FAU graduation as a guideline and adopts the Rhinoceros and Grasshopper programs as a platform for developing the algorithm. The code resulting from the research will be made available on an open platform so that it can be applied as a tool to aid the teaching of descriptive geometry, in addition to being able to be improved as new graphics problems are encountered.

FAPERJ Scholarship - João Gabriel Affonso does Nascimento (undergraduate - FAU).


