Research Projects

Sustainable Water Management in Buildings

Coordinated by Professor Aline Verol. Much is being discussed today about sustainability, although there is often no precise definition around this concept and, mainly, its scope. Sustainable building projects are gaining ground in the technical literature and, in terms of plumbing and sanitary systems, there is a close relationship between sustainability and rational use of water, as a way to avoid periods of restriction with water scarcity and as a way to make it more economical, financially, the use of public water supply. However, in a systemic view, building, as a basic cell of urbanization, is also important in the performance of urban systems and this awareness is still little explored. The building debate and the urban discussion often go separately, with particularities specific to the different scales of each of these contexts (building and urban). This research project aims to discuss the sustainable management of water in different types of buildings, causing less impact on the environment and aiming to reduce the consumption of natural resources, already scarce.



