The project, coordinated by professor Ethel Pinheiro, aims to increase the scope of methodologies for approaching public and collective spaces, through the analysis of Rio's urban environments. The main objective of this research is to outline a method that affirms that the greater or lesser affective bond with certain public spaces would be related to the quality of contemporary cities, especially to the great metropolis of Rio de Janeiro in the singular moment of World Pandemic by Covid- 19. For the development of this research, the performance of undergraduate students + eventual high school students from public schools in Rio de Janeiro will be of vital importance, since the set of cartographies will be carried out by all employees involved, at different times and situations of the day - and will allow for the training of excellent human resources, prepared for the development of future activities. With this, it is expected to confront some key concepts between the studies on ambiances, cartography, and the Theory of Affection - currently under discussion in several fields of knowledge - with the notion of complexity of the metropolises, thus contributing to expanding the design guidelines of sensitive spaces - spaces in which social and identity relations are strengthened by an empathic agent produced by otherness. Through the interrelationship with tools based on the ethnographic bias (participant observation and ethnographic sketches) and geography (cartography), the research will try to analyze a scenario of dualistic realities (very appropriate spaces x less appropriate spaces) and their manifestations of use. in Rio de Janeiro, to map the attributes and factors that make it possible to determine an urban vitality capable of humanizing and strengthening the social link, allowing possible friendly cities.
- Pamela Paris Avila
- Sued Trajano de Oliveira
- Jorge Alfonso Astorga Garro
- Lígia Castanheira Magalhães
- Nátaly Santos Carvalho
- Felipe de Oliveira Barros Lima
- Sonia Dique Fragozo
- Mariana Valicente Moreira
- Luiza de Farias Melo
- Ethel Pinheiro Santanacoordinator