AWARDED THESIS - 04/19/2021
The Coordination of the Graduate Program in Architecture informs that the Thesis Evaluation Committee of PROARQ indicated, as first classified, the work of Dr. RAFAEL FERREIRA DINIZ GOMES, with the Thesis defended in May / 2020 and entitled:
Um estudo sobre as narrativas de jovens moradores da Maré-RJ: oportunidades para os territórios educativos
guidance: Profa. Dra. Giselle Arteiro N. Azevedo
Line of Research: Cultura, Paisagem e Ambiente Construído
Congratulations to RAFAEL for such great achievement!
The Coordination of the Graduate Program in Architecture informs that THE SELECTIVE PROCESS for choosing the Thesis that will represent PROARQ in the CAPES DE TESE PRIZE 2021 is OPEN and will take effect, within the Program, in the following selection period:
from 03/17/2021 to 12 noon on 04/23/2021
All new doctors who defended their THESES IN 2020, without requirements, are invited to ask their advisors to indicate their names for selection, to the Selection Committee approved by the PROARQ Board on this date (03/17/2021)
"1.4. The theses, in order to compete for the CAPES Thesis Award, must, necessarily and obligatorily, meet the following eligibility criteria:
I. Be registered on the CAPES Sucupira Platform;
II. Have been defended in 2020;
III. Have been defended in Brazil, even in cases of cotutela or other forms of double diplomacy;
IV. Have been defended in a Postgraduate Program who have had at least 1 (one) doctoral thesis defended in 2019 ".
The full edition of the CAPES Notice is available HERE
'PROARQ THESIS' Evaluation Committee:
Profa. Dra. Andrea Queiroz Rego (presidente)
Profa. Dra. Ana Albano Amora
Profa. Dra. Ceça Guimaraens
Prof. Dr. Leopoldo Bastos
Profa. Dra. Virginia Vasconcellos
Profa. Maria Julia Santos
Prof. Lucas Rosse Caldas
Profa. Niuxa Dias Drago