
Reading Sessions PROARQ


Every first Monday of the year, starting in March 2021, the PROARQ Press Coordination promotes the meeting for debates and discussions of works / books produced by PROARQ research groups or by highly successful Theses and Dissertations, defended in the program.


The first Reading Session took place at 6pm on 12/07/2020 (CLICK HEREwith a very capable and skillful group of lecturers, led by Dr. Luiz Carlos Toledo on his book FEITOS PARA CURAR. The debates were guided by Profs. Drs: Ana Amora / Renato Gama-Rosa / Jonathas Magalhães.


The second Reading Session took place at 3 pm in Brazil / 7pm Paris time on 03/03/2021 (CLICK HERE), with the coordination of the organizers of the book ARCHITECTURE, SUBJECTIVITY AND CULTURE. RESEARCH SCENARIOS IN BRAZIL AND AROUND THE WORLD: Prof. Dr. Cristiane Rose Duarte and Ethel PInheiro Santana.


The third Reading Session took place at 6 pm on 04/12/2021 (CLICK HERE) with the coordination of the organizer of the book PATRIMÔNIO CULTURAL E PRESERVAÇÃO NO BRASIL: PERSPECTIVA INTERDISCIPLINAR E NARRATIVAS CONTEMPORÂNEAS - Prof. Rosina Trevisan. 


The foutth Reading Session took place at 6pm on 10/05/2021 (CLICK HERE) with the coordination of the organizer of the book A modernidade na Arquitetura Hospitalar: contribuições para sua historiografia - Prof. Ana Amora.


The fifth Reading Session took place at 6pm on 12/07/2021 (CLICK HERE) with the coordination of the organizes of the book Diálogos entre ARQUITETURA, CIDADE E INFÂNCIA - Prof. Giselle Arteiro Azevedo.