Thesis and Dissertations

The Obelisk of the Serra das Araras: revitalizing the Road Monument - Piraí - RJ.

Professional Master Degree Dissertation

Professional Master Degree Dissertation

In the 1920s, when the opening of major roads in Brazil began, the construction of a landmark symbolizing the evolution of transport, which had hitherto been predominantly railroad, and the inauguration of the country's first road link was devised. In 1938 the Road Monument located in Piraí, municipality of the State of Rio de Janeiro, at Km 226 of the Presidente Dutra Highway, was ready and inaugurated. It was designed in the Art Deco style, an international design movement that encompassed all the domains of human creation, such as architecture, decoration, fashion, art, as well as furniture. The building has two floors with integrated works of art of important national and international plastic artists of the period, such as the mural paintings of Cândido Portinari and Alfred Freyhoofer bas-reliefs on the façades of the building. It was registered by the State Institute of Cultural Patrimony (INEPAC) for its historical and artistic importance, on 10/10/1991. It is now abandoned, in poor condition. The objective of this work is to highlight the importance of the cultural value of this building and to elaborate a project of revitalization and reuse of the property according to its assigned value of use.

Keywords: Monument. Highway BR-116. Revitalization. Cultural Heritage.

Data de defesa: 28/09/2018


  • Andréa de Lacerda Pessôa Borde
  • Cláudia Carvalho Leme Nóbrega
  • Rosina Trevisan M. Ribeiro [contributor]
  • Victor Filipe Moreira Monteiro [author]