
Diploma Expedition and Press

After the Defense of the Academic Master's or Doctorate at PROARQ, for the diploma issuance process, the student must upload all required documents to a designated drive (access must be requested via email: within 60 days after the defense with approval, following the list below:

A PDF file of the Thesis or Dissertation, including the approval sheet (listing the members of the Examination Committee and indicating the Committee Chair), without the requirement to collect signatures on it, in accordance with CEPG Resolution 03/2019 and Article 5 of Resolution 128/2022. Appendices and annexes must be included in the same file.

The remaining files must be named as indicated:

1_ FULL NAME_CPF.pdf - mandatory for all
2_ FULL NAME_RG.pdf - mandatory for all
3_ FULL NAME_Military Service Certificate.pdf - when applicable
4_ FULL NAME_Voter Registration.pdf - mandatory for all
5_ FULL NAME_Birth Certificate.pdf - mandatory for all
6_ FULL NAME_Marriage Certificate.pdf - when applicable
7_ FULL NAME_Undergraduate Diploma Front and Back.pdf - mandatory for all
8_ FULL NAME_Qualification Minutes.pdf - mandatory for all
9_ FULL NAME_Lattes Link Committee.pdf - mandatory for all / Note: This document must be created in a simple Word file, including the full name of the graduate student, the full names of the committee members, and their respective Lattes CV links. Submit in both Word and PDF formats.
10_ FULL NAME_Master’s Diploma Front and Back.pdf - when applicable
11_ FULL NAME_Official Academic Transcript.pdf - provided by PROARQ
12_ FULL NAME_Defense Minutes.pdf - mandatory for all
13_ FULL NAME_Requirement Fulfillment Form for Defense Committee.pdf (if applicable) - when applicable
14_ FULL NAME_Deliberative Committee Minutes.pdf - provided by PROARQ
15_ FULL NAME_English Proficiency.pdf - mandatory for all
16_ FULL NAME_Second Language Proficiency.pdf - for doctoral students only

According to CEPG/UFRJ Resolution No. 246/2023, the submission of printed volumes has been discontinued.


To generate the cataloging shet, acess:

The cataloging sheet must be inserted in the pre-textual section of the final revised volume (dissertation or thesis) as a JPG image, as generated by the link above.

To quickly find the cutter code, access:

The Cutter code is an alphanumeric code that represents the AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, ensuring its uniqueness. Simply enter your last name in the MAIN ENTRY field without any additional information. Copy the generated Cutter code and paste it into the SIBI cataloging sheet issuance page. There is no need to copy the LETTERS from the generated code.

SIBI has issued new guidelines regarding the submission of academic works at UFRJ based on CEPG/UFRJ Resolution No. 246/2023, including a new SIBI form to be completed. Download the form HERE.