
Aline Pires Veról

Currículo Lattes | ORCID I Researcher ID I  Google Acadêmico


Vice-Head of PROARQ (2024-2026). Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at UFRJ. Professor of the permanent staff of the Graduate Program in Architecture (PROARQ-FAU / UFRJ). Leader of the CNPq research group Project and Representation of the Environment (PROARQ-FAU / UFRJ). Assistant Research Coordinator of PROARQ-FAU / UFRJ. PhD in Civil Engineering from COPPE / UFRJ, having participated, within the scope of her Doctorate, of scientific exchange in research activities at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain) and at the Centro Italiano per la Riqualificazione Fluviale / CIRF (Italy). Her thesis was awarded the IV Oscar Niemeyer Award 2014, promoted by CREA-RJ. Master in Civil Engineering, Water Resources and Sanitation, from COPPE / UFRJ (2010). Graduated in Civil Engineering from the Polytechnic School of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2006), for which she received the Cum Laude Academic Dignity, in 2007. Co-author of the book "Urban Drainage: from the Traditional Project to Sustainability", awarded at the 58th Jabuti Award (2016) with the 3rd place, category "Engineering, Technologies and Informatics"; and the books "Hydraulic and Sanitary Building Systems: Practical and Sustainable Projects"; and "Risk Management and Hydrological Disasters". She worked as a Hydraulic Engineer at Enel, having lived in Italy from April to July 2009, to work at Enel SpA. She is a reviewer of the journals Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier), Journal of Hydrology (Elsevier), Landscape and Urban Planning ( Elsevier), Sustainability (MDPI), Urban Water Journal (IWA), Cadernos Metrópole, among others. She has experience in the area of ​​Water Resources and Sanitation, acting mainly on the following themes: Environmental Sanitation, Sustainable Urban Drainage and Building Hydraulic and Sanitary Systems.





  • PROARQ Permanent Professor (2019)


  • Doctor of Architecture PROARQ (2017)
  • Master of Architecture PROARQ (2017)