Thesis and Dissertations


Professional Master Degree Dissertation

Professional Master Degree Dissertation

The Living Museum of São Bento is considered a “Cultural Route and Ecomuseum”, located in Baixada Fluminense, Municipality of Duque de Caxias. In this Ecomuseum, we have identified examples of buildings which tell stories from different eras, from the municipality and from the country, constituting a historical memorial. In this study, we identified constructions, such as an archaeological site with sambaquis dated from 4,000 AP, passing through a Benedictine Complex from the 17th and 18th centuries, listed by IPHAN (Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional) and a Colonial Nucleus established by Getúlio Vargas in 1932. This research aims to analyze the knowledge about the concept of a cultural route and understand how the proposal to create the ecomuseum can contribute to the maintenance of the place of memory. And uncover that the concepts of emotional accessibility, which motivate full accessibility and when combined they are essential tools for the preservation of the place of memory. We will unite the researched concepts in the elaboration of a project to revitalize the Cultural Route and Ecomuseum of the Living Museum of São Bento. Using methodologies that helped us in the perception of sensitive ambiences that are fundamental to an emotional and full accessibility in this place of memory, belonging to a community that struggles to keep it "Alive". The research results propose a design analysis with interferences in free spaces, valuing the Cultural Heritage through accessibility.

keyword: 1. Cultural route and ecomuseum; 2. Full accessibility; 3. Emotional accessibility; 4. Living Museum of São Bento; 5. Place of memory ;6. Sensitive ambience; 7. Museum of route

Data de defesa: 18/03/2021


  • Alda de Azevedo Ferreira
  • Ana Lucia Vieira dos Santos
  • Cristina da Rocha Calvão [author]
  • Ethel Pinheiro Santana [contributor]
  • Virgínia M. N. de Vasconcellos [contributor]