Thesis and Dissertations


Professional Master Degree Dissertation

Professional Master Degree Dissertation

This work aims to carry out a rehabilitation project for the space where the residence of Leôncio Gomes and the tomb of Irineu Serra are located, in the Community of the Alto Santo in Rio Branco -AC. The place is part of an architectural ensemblelisted in 2006 by the State Council for Historical and Cultural Heritage of Acre, harboring buildings that date back to the 1940s and that tell the story of the formation of the Santo Daime by Irineu Serra. The Santo Daime is a doctrine that emerged in the early twentieth century that brings together Christian, indigenous and African elements in a cult that has as main characteristic the ingestion of a psychoactive drink called daime, made from the same constituent elements of the ayahuasca, a sacred drinkused by various tribes of the Amazon. Because it is the cradle of religious manifestations widespread in much of the world, the land of the small wooden residence (an adaptation of the model of the barracks of the rubber plantations in the Amazon, built on stilts with wooden closure and cover in four waters), the tomb and other community spaces receive a large flow of visitors, being pointed out by the Ministry of Tourism as one of the greatest tourist potentials in the region with other ayahuasca communities. The work methodology is divided into stages: the first is historical research itself, obtained through informal conversations and specific bibliography. Then, the particular characteristics of the region were analyzed, through visits made in loco, thearchitectural metric survey of the building and its surroundings was carried out, considering issues such as appropriations, transformations and flows. After understanding the community's potential, limitations and needs, intervention guidelines and the project proposal were defined, always based on restoration theories and techniques that help propose actions to safeguard the good.

Keyword:1. Historical and Cultural Heritage;2. Ayahuasca;3. Santo Daime;4. Alto Santo.

Data de defesa: 27/10/2020


  • Alex Assunção Lamounier
  • Ethel Pinheiro Santana
  • Gibson Melo de Albuquerque [author]
  • Jorge Baptista de Azevedo
  • Vera Regina Tângari [contributor]