Thesis and Dissertations


Professional Master Degree Dissertation

Professional Master Degree Dissertation

The Cauduro Building, better known as the “old Hotel Jantzen”, is located on Avenida Rio Branco, historic center of the city of Santa Maria, in Rio Grande do Sul. The Art Deco building, of mixed use, commercial and accommodation, built between 1939 and 1941, represents a moment of peak economic and urban growth in a country town. The construction and operation of the railroad, which connected the border region between Brazil and Argentina to large Brazilian cities, such as Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, boosted the Santa Maria hotel chain. Visitors who arrived daily in the city highlighted the need for a quality hotel structure. The Hotel Jantzen was among the best inlandof the state, having its services compared to large period hotelsin Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro, Montevideo (Uruguay) and Buenos Aires (Argentina). Throughout its few more than 60 years of operation, it has hosted important personalities, such astheex-president Getúlio Vargas. In 1993, the hotel closed its doors and remains abandoned today; having only its ground floor in use. Based on this problem, the aim of this dissertation is to present the building of the old hotel, its imposing Art Deco architecture, seeking in a interventionprojectand requalification, give life back to a building that represented such an important moment in the history of Santa Maria. The city has a university vocation for housing, in addition to the Federal University of Santa Maria, another two large (important) Universities, which justifies the development of a student housing project, integrating the building to an urban use, with the use of its space free private, in its internal courtyard, as a new urban and leisure route in the historic center of Santa Maria.Key words: Art Deco; PCauduro Building;atrimony; Intervention; Requalification.

Keyword :1. Art Deco; 2. Cauduro Building; 3. Patrimony; 4. Intervention; 5. Requalification.

Data de defesa: 26/11/2020


  • Cláudia Carvalho Leme Nóbrega
  • Felix Leães Bravo [author]
  • Luciana Maria Bonvino Figueiredo
  • Marcos Martinez Silvoso [contributor]
  • Rosina Trevisan M. Ribeiro
  • Vera Regina Tângari [contributor]