Thesis and Dissertations

Valuation of the City Park of Petropolis: guidelines for the park, intervention in ruin and architectural design of the headquarters

Professional Master Degree Dissertation

Professional Master Degree Dissertation

This work has as object of study the City Park of Petropolis, in the mountainous region of the State of Rio de Janeiro, considering the old residence of the XIX century existing in the place, where the value of ruin is recognized. Thus, the theme of the research is the intervention in ruin and new annex. With the importance of being a space dedicated to environmental tourism within the Historic Center of the Imperial City, the general objective of this work is to value the park as a heritage, reinforcing its vocation as a reference space in environmental preservation. In this sense, it intends to launch guidelines for the free areas, intervene in the existing building valuing it as a ruin, potentiating its experience, and design headquarters building of the Park with an educational and cultural profile, especially as an annex to this preexistence. The proposal of the headquarters project for the Park, as an annex to the existing ruin, is justified since this pre-existence has already been consolidated as an attraction because of its ruin value and its intrinsic relationship with the local landscape. Thus, a historical research was carried out in the main research institutions in Petropolis, in order to know the transformations that took place in the place and the history of the place in the context of the historical centre of the city. A bibliographical review on free public spaces and interventions in ruins was prepared. Photographic, architectural and conservation surveys of the ruins were produced. These researches allowed the analysis and diagnosis of the site and made possible the construction of the problem of the project challenge and the justification for the positioning of the proposed intervention, which reinforces the environmental tourism profile of the place.

Keywords: Public free spaces, environmental and landscape patrimony, ruin, Petrópolis

Data de defesa: 26/09/2019


  • Ana Paula Polizzo
  • Cláudia Carvalho Leme Nóbrega [contributor]
  • Ethel Pinheiro Santana
  • Fabiola do Valle Zonno [contributor]
  • Vanessa Campos Ribas Vieira [author]
  • Virgínia M. N. de Vasconcellos