Thesis and Dissertations


Professional Master Degree Dissertation

Professional Master Degree Dissertation

This dissertation deals with the need for the availability of a specific tool for the systematic registration of stained glass, aiming at its protection. This research arose from the observation of the numerous existing examples in the city of Rio de Janeiro, in its majority integrated with buildings protected by cultural heritage protection agencies, but without the existence of an appropriate record that met the needs of their identification. To achieve a model that meets the specific needs of this element, the work started by the research of conceptualization of the term "vitral" (stained glass), thus defining the object of study. Then presents a research that reveals facts about the history of stained glass in Rio de Janeiro and of existing examples in this city, thus proving the relevance of its collection. Displays also experiences of inventory of stained glass, its origins in Europe, the French example, and how are the records of stained glass in Brazil. From the identification of the special features of the element in the study and its relations with other objects, presents as the final product the Identification and Registration of Stained Glass Windows record, accompanied by a filling guide, and applied to a window in the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, building was declared a monument, located in the Botafogo neighborhood.

Keywords: inventory; stained glass; Rio de Janeiro.

Data de defesa: 09/11/2015


  • Cláudia Carvalho Leme Nóbrega [contributor]
  • Gustavo Rocha-Peixoto
  • Helder Magalhães Viana [author]
  • Regina Lara Silveira Mello