Thesis and Dissertations


Professional Master Degree Dissertation

Professional Master Degree Dissertation

Preservation of Historical Sites called Urban - HUS represents an important advance in the policy related to the protection of cultural heritage. Recognition of the value of these areas as repositories of social memory and references periods and transformations by which a given society passed through the conservation of relations between the public open spaces, made up of the roads and squares, and built together - its urban form - are the reasons for its preservation. With its over 400 years of occupation, the Creek Historic Centre of Kings, still retains through its road network, standard installment, squares and built together a historic ambience which raises actions to its preservation as a result of a process of adulteration and cultural devaluation started from the 1950s that gained strength from the repeal of a municipal decree preservation properties in the area. This Thesis proposes main action aiming at the preservation of the region, the development of a Conservation Plan for Angra Historic Centre of Kings, multidisciplinary and participatory nature of instrument to be elaborated based on a methodology proposed in this work, based on from important references and background documents plans carried out in Brazil. In order to present the feasibility of the proposed method is carried their application on an area formed by the adjacent Trade Street and squares (Praça General Osório, Codrato Vilhena and Silvestre Travassos) which outlines actions for identification and preservation of urban cultural heritage present there through a series of surveys, readings (diagnosis) and physical and regulatory proposals. Have been as expected that this work will serve as a tool for the municipal government and Angrense population can adopt the agenda of the urban development of Angra dos Reis the preservation of their cultural heritage, especially its historical center, urban area that still retains through elements with urban form and copies of historical languages of architecture, an important part of the urban history of this municipality with more than 500 years that needs to be preliminarily "recognized" as a property of cultural value so that its preservation is guaranteed.

Keywords: Angra dos Reis History Center; Preservation plan; Cultural heritage.

Data de defesa: 30/11/2015


  • Andréa de Lacerda Pessôa Borde
  • Cláudia Carvalho Leme Nóbrega
  • Claudio Antonio Santos Lima Carlos
  • Fabiola do Valle Zonno [contributor]
  • Rafael Nascimento de Azevedo [author]
  • Rosina Trevisan M. Ribeiro [contributor]