Thesis and Dissertations

Valorization of the Historical Heritage Urban Lighting Master Plan for the Historic Center of Porto Alegre/RS

Professional Master Degree Dissertation

Professional Master Degree Dissertation

The city of Porto Alegre, officially founded in 1772, is considered a historical city and has a significant part of its perimeter considered as important historical heritage by the federal government. The main goal in this paper is to elaborate an Lighting Master Plan for the Historic Center that integrates the historic area in the night landscape, values the historic ambiances and with that brings the attention of the city´s population for that important area. Since the Historic Center has a much bigger extension than the area that has actual historical importance and buildings that survived along the years, an area selection was made based on the actuation of the Monumenta Program, that was created to promote the enhancement of the historical urban sites. Nevertheless, the guidelines generated by that program are applicable to all areas in the Historic Center that have common characteristics with the studied area. Based on the concepts presented by Lynch (1960), on the historical and iconographic research, on the mapping of the Historic Center of Porto Alegre’s lighting in 2015 and on the knowledge acquired through analyzing existing lighting master plans, were determined guidelines for the public and building lighting. The main objective was to value the historical heritage and ambiance not aiming to be a technical project, but to enable the development of this kind of project, generating the ambiance defined by the master plan. However, for some lighting effects to be defined, certain technical aspects were fundamental for the final result of the Urban Lighting Master Plan. Based on this guidelines, the Praça da Alfândega’s area, one of the oldest in the city, was detailed as a technical project demonstrating how the plan, even without all the technical definitions, enables the development of specific lighting projects with the same nocturnal identity, revealing the effects of the master plan application.

Keywords: Historical Heritage, Lighting, Urban Lighting Master Plan.

Data de defesa: 18/05/2016


  • Cláudia Carvalho Leme Nóbrega
  • Gisele Pellegrini Lisboa [author]
  • Maria Maia Porto
  • Rosina Trevisan M. Ribeiro [contributor]