Thesis and Dissertations

The Cine Orly Revival: “São Carlos Space” for the cinematographic culture support

Professional Master Degree Dissertation

Professional Master Degree Dissertation

As a forming part of city history and development, the antique movie theater buildings are interesting study objects. The different kinds of architectural typologies, that have been changing and updating over the years, demonstrate that their volumes are relevant, not only for its material features, being able to preservation also because of their space details, that can override the wealth of elements that adorn the “palaces”. Being an architectural examples of how the society ownership and interference in the design process of certain types of public constructions, the antique movie theater buildings, independent of the size of their cinema rooms, were changed, becoming churches, stores, or other cinemas, but now with multiple screening rooms, resulting on only a few units still conserving the original architectural shape. Among the cinema buildings which still resist, stand out at Cinelândia, at Rio de Janeiro city center, the Cine Orly, an interesting sample of “poeira” (small and cheap cinema), that in its path were presented in a several important moments of the area and in the city’s cinematographic history. Besides the understanding of this spaces preservation, currently, the interdisciplinary studies for the recovery of heritage projects is a necessary approach and based on this state, this dissertation introduce the acoustic study as an able technical discipline to provide minimal intervention guidelines to screening rooms spaces.

Keywords: Revival of Antique Movie Theaters, Acoustic and Heritage, Cine Orly, Architectural Typologies of Movie Theaters.

Data de defesa: 30/05/2016


  • Andrea Queiroz da Silva Fonseca Rego
  • Izabella de Souza Barreto Ramos Ferreira [author]
  • Maria Lygia Niemeyer [contributor]
  • Pablo César Benetti
  • Renato Gama-Rosa Costa
  • Rosina Trevisan M. Ribeiro