Thesis and Dissertations


Professional Master Degree Dissertation

Professional Master Degree Dissertation

Lavras Novas is a district of Ouro Preto, located in Minas Gerais, Brazil, that has a cultural heritage formed by mountains, rivers, waterfalls, vernacular buildings, 18th century church, festivals, crafts and unique customs. This district had its origin in a camp for gold exploration in the early 18th century, around the year 1704. The implementation of the first residences occurred around the first chapel, where it is currently located the Church of Our Lady of Joy. Lavras Novas went through several economic phases and from the 1980s, tourism began to be practiced in Lavras Novas. Since there was no infrastructure for receiving tourists, residents were adapting their homes to serve as accommodation and also as restaurant. At this time there was only built the core of the historical center. Lavras Novas became increasingly known and disclosed by visitors who were there and passed the information on about the area. Thus, it was growing the number of people interested in visiting and buying sites to build houses and lodgings which led to the construction of buildings on the outskirts of the historic center and in a new neighborhood known as Alto Campo. This neighborhood has many lodgings. Currently, Lavras Novas has the tourism as the main economic source, however the growth of the district and how this tourism is being practiced is interfering directly in the cultural heritage of Lavras Novas. Therefore, for the valuable heritage of the District is not lost becomes necessary to implement standards and measures to contain this uncontrolled growth. Considering the main attraction of Lavras Novas is their historical heritage, this study aims to propose actions for the tourism activity that still can combine heritage and tourism through action plans for historic towns along the cultural tourism parameters.

Keywords: Cultural Heritage, Cultural Tourism, Action Plan for historic cities.

Data de defesa: 01/06/2016


  • Cláudia Carvalho Leme Nóbrega [contributor]
  • Laís Maíra Ramalho dos Reis Pettinati [author]
  • Sergio Moraes Rego Fagerlande
  • Vera Regina Tângari