Thesis and Dissertations

Restoration and re-use proposal for the Cine Teatro Edgard located in Cataguases, Minas Gerais.

Professional Master Degree Dissertation

Professional Master Degree Dissertation

This work presents a restoration and re-use project for the “Cine Teatro Edgard”, designed by Aldary Toledo and Carlos Leão in 1946, inaugurated in 1953 and listed by the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute-IPHAN in 1994. It is noteworthy that in this building were exhibited the first films of Humberto Mauro, which contributed to consolidate the city of Cataguases in the setting of important cultural movements of the twentieth century. The building was closed in 2013 because of an imminent fire hazard, causing a huge gap in the city's cultural life. The work aims, therefore, to point out the need to realize a global restoration project of the building to reintegrate it to the daily life of Cataguases. In the present case, it is sought to investigate the applicability of current preservation principles, considering the contributions of DOCOMOMO and ICOMOS documents, especially the Venice Charter (1964) and the Nara Document on Values and Authenticity (1994). In this work, we bring some of the issues related to the preservation of modern architecture and its recognition as cultural heritage and the reflections of some of these issues in the restoration and re-use of the “Cine Teatro Edgard”.

Keywords: modern architecture; cultural heritage; preservation; restoration; cine theatre; Cataguases

Data de defesa: 10/10/2017


  • Cláudia Suely Rodrigues Carvalho [contributor]
  • Gustavo Rocha-Peixoto
  • Maria Marta dos Santos Camisassa
  • Mariela Salgado Lacerda de Oliveira [author]