Thesis and Dissertations


Professional Master Degree Dissertation

Professional Master Degree Dissertation

The aim of study is to design the rehabilitation of the architectural heritage, associated to the principles of sustainability, which can contribute to the maintenance and preservation of the patrimony. This study presents the process of damage analysis and intervention project in the Chalet of the School of Architecture, Fluminense Federal University (EAU-UFF), located in the Niterói city - Rio de Janeiro. The State Institute of Cultural Heritage (INEPAC) preserved it in 2011. The building lost many characteristic elements of its architectural style, due to the wear of time or various interventions that did not respect the historical value of chalet. The lack of funds accelerated the process of deterioration of the building that culminated with its interdiction in 2016. This decision, necessary for the safety of the academic community, reinforces the physical and structural wear of the property due to its abandonment. This research presents the evaluate of the main damages suffered by the Chalet, the historical of the property, the physical-spatial of the School of Architecture of the UFF, the theoretical presentation of the terminology and the relation of the concepts of sustainability to propose solutions for its recovery and preservation from the view point of sustainability. In relation to methodology, the project was based on bibliographical reference and field surveys, with annotations, drawings and photographic records, about the building, its surroundings and operation of the School of Architecture of the UFF. The concepts related to the restoration of the architectural patrimony and Institute of National Historical and Artistic Heritage (IPHAN) standards were used as support for the damage survey and design process. The results presented rehabilitation project of the Chalet and a diagnosis of preventive conservation for the building, with the purpose of contributing to the determination of the project management processes and specification of procedure plan for the recovery of the architectural heritage.

Keywords: Project, Architectural Heritage, EAU-UFF chalet, sustainability

Data de defesa: 31/08/2018


  • Claudio Antonio Santos Lima Carlos
  • Maria Maia Porto
  • Mayra Rolim Bernardino [author]
  • Virgínia M. N. de Vasconcellos [contributor]