Thesis and Dissertations

Casa da Marquesa: A new headquarters for the Institute of Cultural Heritage – Inepac/RJ.

Professional Master Degree Dissertation

Professional Master Degree Dissertation

Built in the first decades of the 19th century, the Casa da Marquesa has since undergone several interventions. Over the years, it was the scene of several occupations, however since 2011 it has been unused and its interior is in the process of being degraded. The lack of funds from the government of the State of Rio de Janeiro to complete the proposal to implement the Fashion Museum in this property postpones the effective actions of recovery and occupation of the property. This dissertation seeks alternatives to the reversion of this situation, proposing a new use for Casa da Marquesa and its completely recovery. The project was based on historical research, the meticulous registration of the building and analyzes to identify and appropriate use for Casa da Marquesa. From these conditions were proposed restorative actions for the building and revitalization for the garden and sorroundings of the property.

Keyword: 1. Cultural Heritage.  2. Casa da Marquesa.  3. Restoration.  4. Neoclassical Building.

Data de defesa: 12/12/2018


  • Andrea da Rosa Sampaio
  • Cláudia Carvalho Leme Nóbrega
  • Rosina Trevisan M. Ribeiro [contributor]
  • Simone Viana de Siqueira [author]