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Architect and Urbanist from Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF (1995), postgraduate in geoprocessing at the Center for Mathematical and Nature Sciences - CCMN UFRJ (1999), Master in urbanism from the Graduate Program in Urbanism at UFRJ - PROURB UFRJ (2013 ). Professor in the undergraduate course in Architecture and Urbanism at the Estácio de Sá University and Professor of the Professional Master in Project and Heritage at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - PROARQ UFRJ. Currently pursuing a doctorate at PROARQ FAU UFRJ (2019/2023). Member of the International Council for Monuments and Sites - ICOMOS Brasil and founder of the International Center for the Conservation of Brazilian Heritage - CICOP Brasil. Member of the research group Preventive Conservation of Historic Sites and Buildings of the Casa de Rui Barbosa FCRB Foundation and Researcher of Digital Modeling Techniques applied to Architectural Heritage - PROARQ. Acting in Architecture with an emphasis on Historical Heritage and has been a founding partner of Astorga Projetos e Consultoria for over 25 years.





  • PROARQ Student


  • Doctor of Architecture PROARQ