
Curriculo Lattes  I ORCID I Researcher ID I Google Acadêmico


Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism at EAU-UFF in 2001, specialist in History of Art and Architecture in Brazil at PUC-Rio in 2005, master and doctor in Social History of Culture at PUC-Rio, line of research in History of Art and Architecture , in 2010 and 2016 respectively, where he defended the dissertation "The modern aesthetics of landscape: the poetry of Roberto Burle Marx" and the thesis "Landscape, Architecture, City. A discussion about the production of modern space". In 2000, due to the First Prize in the ideas contest for the Telephone Museum (now OI Futuro), he founded the Architects' Workshop, which has accumulated more than twenty national and international awards in the area of ​​architecture and urbanism since its creation, acting mainly institutional projects of an educational and cultural nature. Participated in the Rioprojetos2016 consortium, responsible for the development of the architectural design of the Arena do Futuro, for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. of Architecture II and the insertion of theory in several design studios. She is currently Adjunct Professor DE in the area of ​​Theory of Architecture with the Department of History and Theory of FAU / UFRJ. Practice area: history, theory and criticism of architecture and landscape, with an emphasis on modern and contemporary production.




  • Master of Architecture PROARQ (2009)
  • Doctor of Architecture PROARQ (2019)


  • PROARQ Researcher (2020)
