
Rodrigo Kamimura

Currículo Lattes | ORCID I Researcher ID I Google Acadêmico


Adjunct Professor (40h-Exclusive Dedication) at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (FAU-UFRJ). PhD and Master in Architecture and Urbanism, area of ​​concentration Theory and History of Architecture and Urbanism (USP, 2016 and 2010). Specialist in History and Theories of Art and Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism (UEL, 2007 and 2004). He has works in the area of ​​Historical-Cultural Heritage and Architectural Design. He taught at UFRuralRJ, UEM, UNIPAR, EBA-UFRJ, UNICEP, UNIRP and UNOESTE, in the areas of Art History, Architecture and Urbanism, Architecture Design, Visual Languages, Technical Drawing and Graphic Expression. Research: architecture, art and contemporary urban studies; dialogues between architecture, art, politics and society; architecture in the second European and Brazilian post-war period, graphic representation in Architecture and Urbanism. He teaches in the areas of Descriptive Geometry, Graphic Expression and Observation Drawing at UFRJ. Member of the Commission for Transfer, Re-entry and Change of Course of FAU / UFRJ, collaborator of the Media Portal of Final Graduation Works of FAU / UFRJ and member of the research group "Education of the look: apprehension of the geometric attributes of the shape of places" (PROARQ-UFRJ). He is currently a RESEARCHER at PROARQ.



  • Master of Architecture PROARQ (2020)


  • PROARQ Researcher (2020)