
Ana Paula Polizzo

Currículo Lattes | ORCID I Researcher ID I Google Acadêmico


Architect and Urban Planner, Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism FAU/UFRJ in the area of ​​Architectural Theory at the Department of History and Theory DHT, accepted in 2018, permanent professor of the Postgraduate Program in Architecture at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - PROARQ/UFRJ since 2023. She has a degree in Architecture and Urbanism from the Fluminense Federal University (2001), a specialization in History of Art and Architecture in Brazil from PUC-Rio (2005), a master's and a doctorate in Social History of Culture from PUC-Rio, research line in History of Art and Architecture, (2010 and 2016 respectively). In 2000, due to the First Prize in the ideas competition for the Telephone Museum (now OI Futuro), she founded the Oficina de Arquitetos, which since its creation has accumulated more than twenty national and international awards in the area of ​​architecture and urbanism, working mainly on institutional projects of an educational and cultural nature. He participated in the Rioprojetos2016 consortium, responsible for developing the architectural project for the Arena do Futuro, for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. Currently at PROARQ, he participates in the Laboratory of Narratives in Architecture (LANA) and coordinates the research "Latin American narratives: a process of international legitimization based on architectural exhibitions", which aims to discuss the process of visibility and institutional legitimization of contemporary Latin American architecture in the hegemonic centers of world culture, thus seeking to understand the different discourses that shaped the view towards this architectural production.



  • PROARQ Permanent Professor


  • Master of Architecture PROARQ


  • Master of Architecture PROARQ (2020)

