
Niuxa Dias Drago

Currículo Lattes | ORCID I Researcher IDGoogle Acadêmico


Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism at FAU / UFRJ (2000), master and doctor in Scenic Arts at UNIRIO (2005-2012), where she defended the dissertation 'The character city in the work of Nelson Rodrigues' and the thesis' A Cenografia de Santa Rosa - space and modernity '(Published by Riobooks in 2014). Member of the Brazilian Performing Arts Research Association (ABRACE), the International Federation of Theater Research (IFTR) and ANPARQ. Adjunct Professor DE, Department of History and Theory, FAU / UFRJ, where she teaches Architecture in Brazil, Theory of Architecture and History of Art and Architecture. Coordinates the research 'Scenography as a field of Architectural experimentation', analyzing the works of architect-scenographers, and 'Reconstitution of the International Exhibition of 1922', and the extension project 'Heritage Education - a look at the city and the urban space' , awarded with the Paulo Freire Award from ALERJ in 2019. Participates in the Laboratory for the Study of Theater Space and Urban Memory at UNIRIO, guided by Prof. Dr. Evelyn Furquim Werneck Lima, since 2004. She was a substitute professor at EBA / UFRJ, between 2007 and 2008. Between 1997 and 2002 she was a research fellow at LAURD / PROURB / UFRJ, under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Roberto Segre, where she participated in extensive production in the areas of urban and architectural analysis assisted by virtual simulations. She is the author of chapters and articles published in the areas of Scenography, Arts and Architecture, with an emphasis on the History of Architecture, Theater Space and Rio de Janeiro.




  • PROARQ Collaborating Professor [2023]



  • Master of Architecture PROARQ